sound-check for the concert at the project, Innsbruck (A) 16.05.2008
we haven't got any other pictures of this concert and the following one at Miro, Bolzano, so please send us some if you where there and made some pictures, thanks!
At westgermany, Kreuzberg Berlin (D) 14.05.2008
performance of john callaghan before our gig
terrace of westgermany
At the houseparty, Friedrichshain Berlin (D) 12.05.2008
BOB goes to Berlin (D) 12.05.2008
At the garden of Bar Capitol, Bolzano (I) 10.05.2008
the stage with the sun as spotlight!
the concert-crowd in the garden
Sotto il ponte di via libia, Bologna (I) 07.05.2008
The organizers of the concert-party showed us new dimensions of street-promotion!
And the big success of it! Was a great expirience, thanks a lot to everybody of the Bologna-organizers!
21.04.2008 Rhiz, Vienna (A)
all pictures by Philipp Jongen, copyright Philipp Jongen, thanks a lot!