frequently asked questions about the music-making band
Is this really your homepage?
Is it true, that
you’re greatest inspiration in the process of music making is the film
“Christine” by John Carpenter?
Have your incredibly
beautiful video clips
ever be shown at the National Film Theatre?
Do you like singing?
Does it have a
realistic background, if somebody told me, that you’re playing concerts at my home?
Which band do you
prefer, The Beatles or the Smashing Pumpkins?
Have you ever seen
the Wayne?
Is it possible for
you, to be in one place and have a gig simultaneous in another place?
How was the trans-europe-express-tour-2008
for you, financially speaking?
Can I listen to all the songs of your second album “tom”
without paying a penny?
Is it just a rumor
that you’re working on a ep which will start a disco-revival?
Is it somehow
possible for me to mix all the songs of the second album “tom” just
by pressing keys?
Are you in contact
with journalists?
Why isn’t there any newsletter to know what’s
going on with you guys?
Why did you choose
BOB as your bands name or has your manager chosen it?
How many albums did release?
I’d like to download BOB-files
without internet. Is that possible?
Do you like your pictures when you see
them in the newspapers?